女性在计算机科学领域的代表性一直不足, 作为一所女子学校,我们特别适合解决赤字问题.在这里,技术是教与学的自然组成部分.
National Coalition of Girls' Schools research shows that girls' school graduates are six times more likely to consider majoring in 数学, 科学, and technology and three times more likely to consider technology careers compared to girls who attend coed schools.
十大彩票平台 graduates are well-prepared for a future expanded by opportunities to learn beyond the walls of their classroom, 通过无缝获取信息, 以及那些欣赏技术中固有的创造性可能性的老师.
Dynamic and engaging teachers will always be the most important component of a 十大彩票平台 education but full technology integration offers additional resources for creative instruction.
一个学校, 也被称为女子在线学校, is a collaborative network of private schools dedicated to enhancing their broad educational programs with courses that may not be available on their own campuses. Students from 十大彩票平台 have been taking advantage of learning opportunities offered by 一个学校 since 2009. 这些课程是根据个人需要量身定制的, 基于能力, 并且是由学习者自己驱动的. Consistent and open communication is maintained between 一个学校 and our Dean of Students to ensure a cohesive educational experience. To enroll in these courses, students must have the approval of 十大彩票平台's 计算机科学 Dept.
研究 shows that female students who take AP computer 科学 are more likely to major in computer 科学 in college compared to female students of similar background and academic preparation who didn't take AP computer 科学 courses.